Friday, November 26, 2010

Back in Canada ... Reflections

It has been 10 days since I returned to Kingston - it seems that nothing much has changed here but I feel that I have! The dust began to settle after one week back home - the jet lag was not nice. I have been reflecting on my journey ... the places I have seen, all the experiences I have had, the beautiful museums and architecture I have seen, the tasty food I have eaten (and prepared at Yoga Plus) and the internal journey that one takes whenever one travels. It doesn't really matter if it is far afield or an experience in one's own town or country ... there is something about stretching outside of one's comfort zone, taking a risk, accepting the challenge ... that changes one's perspective on oneself and the world we live in.

As I reflect on the journey I have just returned from, I would have to say that the most memorable moments were spent meeting new people - that has always been my passion and reason for my journey - meeting others and enjoying the interaction. From the Europeans - many of them fellow Yogis - at Yoga Plus, to other travellers at hotels, restaurants and in various modes of transportation, to residents especially in Turkey and Greece, who made me feel so welcome and enjoyed sharing their recipes, jokes, language tips and tricks and in many cases, offered rooms in their small pensions and hotels with great pride. These are my most vivid memories along with the scenery of Greece and Turkey ... so mountainous, usually quite close to water ... the roads at times trecherous ... and the olive groves, cacti and bougainvalia (bright pink and purple) as well as household geraniums everywhere. And the sounds of the animals in the country hills, muezzin calling Muslims to prayer, roar of the diesel engines of cars and buses (NOT nice) and vendors attempting to sell us something - anything - (as one clever vender in the covered market in Istanbul said "let me sell you something you don't need; I'm very good at it!).

This is just the tip of the iceberg for my memories ... more to follow.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like your journey has been a memorable and enlightening one; perhaps a one of a kind! I have been on one of my own without leaving this city. I have grown so much by simply allowing myself to do so. In 28 months I will be moving away to Kelowna, B.C. to continue on my path of evolution. Continue on your path Bea; it is much deserving. xoxo
