Saturday, June 25, 2011

Many months later ...

I have felt compelled recently to resurrect the "Gypsy at 60" blog - even though now I am 61! It has been six months since I returned from my wonderful, quite life-changing journey - my soul feels fuller and much richer and more authentic than I have ever felt before. The last 6 months back in Kingston has allowed me the opportunity to reflect within on who I am, where I am, what I want in my life and how I am going to move forward into this next age and stage . I have taken the time to not only reflect internally, but also to clean house - literally - I have cleaned, cleared and purged much "stuff" in my home and taken the time to reflect carefully on what I need now versus what is not serving me well to hold on to. So liberating! I feel lighter in my being as a result - fresh space for the energy to move into. And just the other day I transformed my living space - the kitchen and living room - by having it painted a new colour, a lovely creamy and warm glowing yellow. Fresh and glowing - a reflection of my inner being. I am pursuing some very new and oftentimes challenging goals in my life now - entrepreneurship - as a holistic life coach for women in midlife. I will be utilizing all my personal and professional tools as I assist women to vision their lives and set goals to help them move toward whatever is deeply, intuitively speaking to their hearts. I feel called to offer this service and over the next month will reflect on identifying the various business steps as I develop my Business Plan. O, yes, life is a great gift and I'm taking a big bite of it.