Friday, April 19, 2013

Change of Pace

Things are continue to go well here at the Ashram for me ... I am still enjoying the weather, beach, yogic lifestyle and people (staff and guests) ... and now I am actually a "guest" ... doing a yoga/ayurveda/recovery workshop which is quite intense.  Still following the daily schedule ...up at 5.30 for meditation and chanting but on top of the regular ashram activities I have approximately 8 hours of lectures/study.  It feels great to use my brain a little more and taking this course is helping me to assimilate all I have learned while I have been here.  A Swami gives some of the lectures of yoga theory and an Ayurvedic practitioner gives great lectures on its application as well as daily personalized classes for our group from another teacher.  I am learning a great deal about the mind, my body and my spiritual practice.

Now thinking of coming "home" ... where is home? .... have plans to stay with a friend in Kingston while I make some decisions on an apartment or other location to live and build my "nest".  If anyone has any suggestions or ideas for me please let me know.

It would be quite easy to continue with this life ... moving from the loving supportive ashram community to another ashram and work/live together but for this time I will continue back to Canada and trust that things will all work out well there.

The weather is heating up dramatically, quite humid now and the cruiseship business across the Bay in Nassau is quiet by comparison with the Jan - March period.  Far fewer people around and far fewer loud musical evenings to disturb the sleep.  Good beach weather and the sea is warm and calm.

Now that I am no longer doing Karma Yoga (the work of selfless service and surrender all actions to God/Higher Power), I have the time to reflect on the meaning of work as it relates to daily spiritual practice.  This entire experience is helping me reflect on meditation as a life practice and how I weave this concept into my day to day life.

Hope everyone is enjoying the lovely Spring ... see you soon.