Monday, March 18, 2013

Settling in and settling down

This post is a delight to write ... after more than 2 months here at the Ashram I feel I am quite settled ... life is simple in my little tent with the daily routine that suits me.  The work is not overly hard ... at times even fun, especially baking the cookies and other goodies and making smoothies for people.  The period when Krishna Das was here was a mad house - it has settled down now to around 200 people - when he was here it was up around 260 which was maximum and jam packed.  I was like a mad woman making smoothies and other goodies as fast as I could each day.  Now the sun has come out again ... the weather has been variable and at times downright scary especially when the beach was cordoned off because of the size of the waves.  The wind blew like crazy during the nite and my ear plugs came in handy.

It is a steady coming and going of staff here as well and Teacher Trainees.  Each month there is a new batch of budding teachers who come for 4 weeks of training and each group is different.  The energy of the group is often manic at times because of the workload (I think it is a great training but quite demanding for them as they are fed a ton of information and little time to actually digest it all, perhaps not til they go home) and want goodies especially chocolate.  As do the staff who work very hard here and the chocolate is a big treat as there is not often dessert as we all know it after the very healthy and colourful meals we eat twice a day.

My favourite meal is Brunch ... I usually have some yogurt and hot water to drink and granola and cooked porridge with some kind of milk and then a small bowl of veggies and soup and perhaps a grain.  It needs to sustain me til later in the day at 6 pm so I have a good meal, usually after my 2 hour yoga practice from 8-10 am.  The teachers continue to be excellent and between the teaching and the daily satsangs or community events with speakers and/or music, I am feeling full of goodness as I write this.  And I walk and/or swim at the beach each day.

Not a bad life and I have really settled in here.  As the staff leave from their 4-5 months of karma yoga over the fall and winter and new people arrive for their "terms", I find myself wondering "Could I make this my life?" Could I travel from ashram to ashram meeting new people, practicing great yoga and doing meaningful work ... selfless service ...?  I am reflecting on this but for the time being have a return ticket at the end of April.

Love and gratitude is in my heart for this opportunity to learn more about myself in such a conscious community of like minded souls.